Tuesday, June 25, 2024

America's Story (part 23) - Countdown to 250!


July 4, 1776

The United States of America was born on that date, recognized as the signing and final approval of the Declaration of Independence.

One of its most well-known statements:

We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.

And the signers ended this declaration on a solemn note:

And for the support of this Declaration, with a firm reliance on the protection of divine Providence, we mutually pledge to each other our Lives, our Fortunes and our sacred Honor.

The anniversary of this quarter of a millennium milestone is coming up in two years: 

1776 to 2026

Countdown to 250 years!

And many across America are preparing for this celebration....


For more information on the big 250: America 250

Since 1776, America grew and met many challenges. Who are we as a people? Some have tried to answer that best in poetry and song:

I am the nation


John Wayne has been seen as a personification of America throughout her evolution. 

For more information: John Wayne: Icon Of America's Booming Confidence

And in 1970, John Wayne and other well-known celebrities of the 20th century ended their show of American History with this patriotic song:


Happy Birthday, America

as we countdown 

to her 250th!


God Bless America!



For other posts on this thread, search:

America's Story



Photo: Declaration of Independence/wkipedia.com


Wednesday, May 15, 2024

CC4 (part 4) - Shakespeare in Rainmaker Park



The English-speaking world owes much to the works of William Shakespeare. His contributions were not only in literature with his plays and sonnets, but also in language with idioms and new words.

For example: Shakespeare's Words   Idioms

For over 400 years, his plays have been performed in many different venues and media as well as spun into various adaptations.

Actors, though, have some superstitions about saying the name of "that Scottish play"


It's humorously explained below:

As for venues, one favorite is Shakespeare in the Park.

That is the setting for one of the chapters:

The Commander and the Chief series:
Book 4 - Rainmaker:

Cold cases, Cold War relics, revenge served cold.
All spark fires of biblical proportions that only a Rainmaker from heaven can quench.

Available on Amazon.

The Old World meets the Wild West in the 21st century when the Commander with his family and the Chief fly in from across the pond for Fourth of July celebrations in Hanging Tree, Wyoming.

The Commander's parents, the Duke and Duchess of Yorkchestershire, and his older brother Sir Bobby are asked to perform samples of Shakespeare's plays in Rainmaker Park in Hanging Tree. 

That's between recitations of Cowboy Poetry and the Coyote Calling Contest.

The chapter starts as Bill Clark, the mayor, introduces the royal actors to an audience in the Wild West.

Part 4

Chapter 4

All the World’s a Stage

After intermission, Bill Clark took center stage, again.

“Cowboy Poetry was just the warm-up, folks.” Bill rubbed his hands together. “Now, for the main event. Shakespeare in the Park. And we’re so fortunate to have the Duke and Duchess of Yorkchestershire and their eldest son Bobby Barrett…veteran of the London West End Theater.”

The crowd chanted, “Duke! Duke! Duke! Duke! ...”

“The Duke, you say?” Bill looked off-stage. “Then let’s bring out The Duke.”

A stage hand retrieved a larger-than-life cutout of John Wayne, dressed as the quintessential American cowboy, slinging a gun.

“It’s The Duke, folks.” Bill opened up his hands, seeing many blank faces. “You asked for him by name.”

Pete Parker called out, “Not many remember John Wayne, Mayor. Especially the young’uns.”

“But us old timers do,” yelled another. “Like the Mayor says. He’s The Duke.”

“Without further ado, from across the pond, here’s the royal Barretts.” Bill made his exit, taking the John Wayne cutout with him. 

Then the Duke and Duchess and their elder son Bobby minced onto the stage. All were dressed in Elizabethan style costumes. 

The father and son looked dashing. Tights. Codpieces. Ruffs. Pumpkin pants. Thigh high leather boots. And capes draped over half their shoulder.

“I am the Duke,” Sir Robert’s voice boomed. “The real Duke.”

“Naw. The real duke’s John Wayne,” said an old timer.

“Bloody Americans,” Sir Robert mumbled under his breath. Then he affected his thespian face. “I’m pleased to introduce my lovely wife, Her Grace Regina Barrett, the Duchess of Yorkchestershire.”

Regina donned an elegant green Elizabethan dress. Train. Puffy sleeves. Red hair covered by a wimple. She returned a graceful curtsey.

Then Bobby added, “Mother will perform a scene from that Scottish Play.”

“You mean Macbeth?” Regina smiled at Bobby.

Bobby and Sir Robert stepped to the edge of the stage and performed a strange exorcism. Both turned around three times, spit over their left shoulders, then quoted from Shakespeare’s Merchant of Venice: 
Fair thoughts and happy hours attend on you.

“Actors are superstitious.” Sir Robert looked over the puzzled audience. “It’s bad luck to say the name of that Scottish play. Being so dark and bloody as it is.”

“What was it now?” Regina asked. “Macbeth?”

Bobby and Sir Robert repeated the exorcism: Fair thoughts and happy hours attend on you. And the Barretts slipped out the word Macbeth a few times, followed by the exorcism, ensuring laughs.

Then Sir Robert said, “Now on with that Scottish play.”

“You mean Macbeth?” Reggie shouted from the audience.

“Enough, Reginald,” said Bobby. “Mummy’s up.”

Sir Robert explained, “In Act Five, Scene 1, Lady Macbeth—Oh, damn. Fair thoughts and happy hours attend on you. The Lady is sleepwalking after murdering the King of Scotland.”

Regina stepped about, rubbing her hand:

“Out, damned spot! out, I say!
One: two: why, then, ’tis time to do’t.
Hell is murky!
“Here’s the smell of the blood still: 
all the perfumes of Arabia will not sweeten this little hand. 
Oh, oh, oh!...”

Lady Macbeth’s monolog finished. The Barretts regrouped. And Sir Robert with Bobby stepped out for a later scene.

Bobby, as Seyton, spoke: “The queen, my lord, is dead.”

Then Sir Robert as Macbeth responded:
Out, out, brief candle!
Life’s but a walking shadow, a poor player
That struts and frets his hour upon the stage
And then is heard no more: it is a tale
Told by an idiot, full of sound and fury,
Signifying nothing.

The three Barretts bowed to enthusiastic applause at the end of their selected scenes from that Scottish play. 


* * *

In the audience, young Robert sat down beside Reggie. “May I have a word with you?”

“What’s troubling you, son?” Reggie asked.

“Uncle Nick.” Robert’s eyes darted about. “He’s carrying a gun.”

“Of course. He’s a bloody American.” Then Reggie chortled. “You’ve spent last summer working here on the ranch and just figured that out? Americans in these parts have a slobbering love affair with their guns.”

“But he just had a chat with me about Sophie.”

“Yes, yes. Old Nick’s not blind. You’ve been smitten with your American cousin since the day you joined her Orlovic Pride on the catty thing.”

“Kitty Chat.” Robert continued, “Uncle Nick told me he’s happy I’m seeing Sophie. But if I hurt her…ill-treated her in anyway, he’d shoot me. Then he patted his gun.”

“And he meant it, too.” Reggie raised his eyebrows. “If it’s any consolation, Old Nick had the same chat with me about Nova when we first met. Two years ago. At John Wayne Airport in Pasadena.”


“Relax.” Reggie put his arm about his son. “Deep down Nick’s a decent bloke. He told me, after the Admiral was killed, Nova had been quite depressed. He worried about her. And now he sees she smiles a lot. He knows I’ve made her happy again. And he’s glad I’m part of the family. And I’m glad he’s my brother-in-law. For I know he’ll always have our back, son.”

* * *

Next skit, Bobby Barrett strode on stage. “Now for some Hamlet. A line by line translation of Hamlet’s eulogy. Elizabethan English to American. In Act 5, Scene 1, Hamlet speaks to his friend Horatio. After the gravedigger unearths some human remains.”

Bobby looked into the audience. “Ready, my dear?”
Tina Dahl lifted up the plastic skull. “Behold Yorick, the king’s jester.” 

“His name’s Spike,” said a wag from the audience. 

“Incoming.” Tina tossed the skull.

Bobby caught it and looked intently at it. “Alas, poor Yorick! I knew him, Horatio, a fellow of infinite jest, of most excellent fancy.”

To the audience: “He was rip roaringly funny.”

To the skull: “He hath borne me on his back a thousand times, and now, how abhorred in my imagination it is!”

To the audience: “He gave me a lot of piggy back rides in his day.”

To the skull: “My gorge rises at it.”

To the audience: “I think I’m going to puke.”

Bobby finished the scene after many laughs. Then threw the skull back to Tina. And gave the audience an exaggerated bow. The crowd returned applause and whistles. 

Bobby loved it. He was in his element.

The final skit of the set, the crowd chanted, “Duke! Duke! Duke! Duke! …” And Sir Robert strode on the stage like it was his world.

“This Band of Brother’s speech is from Henry V,” Sir Robert’s voice boomed out. “It’s set on the Eve of Saint Crispin’s Day. The eve of the Battle of Agincourt in the year of our Lord, 1415. Indeed, this would be a great victory for England and immortalized by our Bard as the St. Crispin’s Day Speech.

“In this scene, Westmorland informs the King that the English are greatly outnumbered. But the King urges his men to give it their all and fight the bloody French anyway.”

So Sir Robert as Henry V recited the King’s speech:

“My cousin, Westmorland? No, my fair cousin;
If we are mark’d to die, we are enough
To do our country loss; and if to live,
The fewer men, the greater share of honour.
God’s will! I pray thee, wish not one man more.

“And Crispin Crispian shall ne’er go by,
From this day to the ending of the world,
But we in it shall be rememberèd—
We few, we happy few, 
we band of brothers—”

Then explosions burst a block away. And rockets streamed in the sky.

The audience thought it was part of the act and applauded wildly with wolf whistles.

Sir Robert snapped open his eyes. He had not finished the scene. But he went with it and graciously bowed.

“Nice touch, dear,” Carol said to Bill Clark backstage. “Adding the fireworks.”

Bill returned a puzzled look. “I didn’t call for any fireworks.”

Finally, it sunk in as the explosions got more intense, more frequent.

“It’s an attack,” yelled someone from the crowd. “Remember that wedding at The Chief’s Lodge!”

There were shrieks. People ducked under tables and hit the grass and pavement. Others pulled out their guns. And Bill Clark whisked Sir Robert off stage.

It was déjà vu all over again. 


And that's only the beginning of the fireworks.

Please continue reading for what happens next in Rainmaker, available on Amazon.

All published books (paperback, Kindle, Kindle Unlimited) of The Commander and the Chief series are linked as a set on amazon: The Commander and the Chief series

Your readership is appreciated.



For more in this series, search blog:

CC1, CC2, CC3, CC4, CC5, CCx
The Commander and the Chief series



Photo: Shakespeare in the Park/wikipedia 

Saturday, April 13, 2024

STC (part 6) - The Event that Sam Built


The House that Jack Built

Remember that old English nursery rhyme some of us may have learned as kids?

It was catchy as well as repetitive and progressive.

"The House that Jack Built" is in the form of a cumulative tale or a chain tale or chain story. These tales do not have complex plots, but rather rely on the rhyme and repetition for effect. Each sentence in the story builds on the sentence before, making each sentence an example of an increasingly deeply nested relative clause. 

From Evergreen Tales 


Poetry can be very helpful in learning, with adults as well as kids, even in the technical world.

Such is the case in my historical novel


Women breaking into aerospace in the 1980s meet men behaving badly.

As the story progress, the Mission Control Complexes of the S*T*C are upgrading from the Current Data System (CDS) to the Progressive Modernization System (PMS). 

Many jokes about PMS, I promise.  And one the characters, Monte Duff comments about this new and improved system thrusted on them, in Chapter Thirty-One:

“Otherwise, if you really want to f--- things up, get the government involved.” 

In Chapter Sixty-Nine, Samantha (Sam) Matijevic Clark gets her first training in PMS.

For context, below are common techno-jargon for positions inside a Mission Control room.

MC - Mission Controller

PA - Planner Analyst


Near the end of PMS training, Sam wrote a poem, a parody of the old English nursery rhyme and cumulative tale, This Is the House that Jack Built.

She added cartoons and illustrations about lessons she had learned in PMS class: Building Events with Transactions and Activities and Episodes and Schedule Records…yada, yada, yada…in the context of a mission control team commanding a satellite 20,000 nautical miles away in orbit.

The Event that Sam Built!

By Samantha Matijevic Clark

This is the EVENT that Sam built!

These are the TRANSACTIONS

That lie in the EVENT that Sam built!

This is the ACTIVITY


That lie in the EVENT that Sam built!

This is the EPISODE

That contains the ACTIVITY


That lie in the EVENT that Sam built!

Here’s SCHEDULE RECORDS gen’ed by SCO*

That’s tied to the EPISODE

That contains the ACTIVITY


That lie in the EVENT that Sam built!

Here’s CONFLICT IDENTIFY, full of woe

Of the RECORDS gen’ed by SCO

That’s tied to the EPISODE

That contains the ACTIVITY


That lie in the EVENT that Sam built!

Here’s the PA, all tattered and torn

Who UPDATED the RECORDS, early one morn

Deconflicting the SCHEDULE, full of woe

That was gen’ed before by SCO

That’s tied to the EPISODE

That contains the ACTIVITY


That lie in the EVENT that Sam built!

Here’s the MC, who, without delay

APPROVED a CSP**, created one day

INITIALIZED by the PA, all tattered and torn

From UPDATED RECORDS, gen’ed one morn

Deconflicting the SCHEDULE, full of woe

That was gen’ed before by SCO*

That’s tied to the EPISODE

That contains the ACTIVITY


That lie in the EVENT that Sam built!

This is the SATELLITE, which has great worth

That the MC COMMANDED, down here on earth

Executing DIRECTIVES, without delay

From the CSP, APPROVED one day

INITIALIZED by the PA, all tattered and torn

From UPDATED RECORDS, gen’ed one morn

Deconflicting the SCHEDULE, full of woe

That was gen’ed before by SCO

That’s tied to the EPISODE

That contains the ACTIVITY


That lie in the EVENT that Sam built!

*  SCO: Satisfy Current Objectives

**  CSP: Contact Support Plan


Child's play, right?

To learn more about a day in the life of a mission control team in the 1980s, please feel free to check out: 

S*T*C by S. K. Smith @ amazon.com

And tune in to the continuing drama...

As the Satellite Turns!

Your readership is appreciated.


For more in this series, search blog:

STC - for S*T*C
CC1, CC2, CC3, CC4, CC5  - for The Commander and the Chief series


Friday, March 22, 2024

CC5 (part 2) - Great Expectations (21st Century London)


Great Expectations

It's a classic by Charles Dickens set in the 19th century.

And here's a summary/refresher of the story:


Great Expectations is also a chapter in Pow Wow, in The Commander and the Chief series: 

The Commander and the Chief take on the rogue Deep State: the Gunfight at the UK Corral, missing Redcoats in the Nevada Triangle, and nuclear blackmail!

Here's an excerpt that shows how the protagonists see themselves as "Pip" manipulated by a "Magwitch."



London, 21st century

Part 8

Chapter 7

Great Expectations

Lord Frederick Wise and Commander Reginald Barrett put on the proper garments to parley at Quantum Speakeasy.

The Q*S dress code was London businessman attire. Lord Wise chose his navy suit with red tie. The Commander his Royal Navy blues.They escaped their quarantined townhome in what looked like a department of health vehicle. Then switched to a limo, which drove them to the older part of London and dropped them off at the multi-storied Victorian brownstone with white trim.

Two guests in dapper gray suits were waiting for them in the Q*S reception area. Dr. Brutus Frankel had shaved off his mustache. (A clean lip was the price he paid to transition between a man to a woman and back again.) And Brutus had a suit bag with him.

The other guest called himself Adam Smith. He wore sunglasses and a dark wig. Wrinkles and leathery skin betrayed his age.

“We’re here, as requested, gentlemen.” Wise signed them in. “Follow me to parley.”

Then Wise escorted Reggie, Brutus, and Adam to a private smoker’s lounge. The room was rich with dark wood paneling and hardwood tables and leather chairs and the smell of fine cigars. Wise sat across from Brutus. Reggie across from Adam.

“So, is it Dr. Brutus Frankel now?” Wise raised an eyebrow. “I assume your pronouns are he/him, else you would not be allowed inside Q*S.”

“He/him suits me fine, Freddy Weddy.” Brutus laid his suit bag on the coffee table.

Wise frowned. “That’s Lord Wise to you.”

“At this point of the game, you need me more than I need you, Freddy.” Brutus moved back in his leather chair. “I’ll call you what I wish.”

“My son calls you, Dr. Frank-N-Furter.” Reggie smirked.

“Delightful boy.” Brutus shifted in his chair. “May your other son turn out to be as…charming.”

“Now that the pleasantries are out of the way.” Reggie raised his eyebrows. “Let’s talk turkey, as my American wife would say.”

“First things first, Commander. We are in England.” Then Brutus asked Wise, “Aren’t you going to offer us a cigar, Freddy? This is a cigar lounge, isn’t it?”

“If you must.” Wise called for an attendant to fetch his cigars.

With cigar box in hand, Wise offered Bruce and Adam a choice from his finest. But Adam brought his own pipe as well as his own tobacco, which he extracted from his jacket pockets.

Wise sized up the two guests while the Commander squinted at Brutus with suspicion. Adam, though, looked familiar, especially with his pipe. But neither Reggie or Wise could place him.

“That was good,” said Brutus after a few puffs on Wise’s cigar. “Now if you will, old boy, please check the lounge for bugs.”

“As you wish.” Wise took out his sweeper and completed the task.

“What’s in the garment bag?” Reggie asked. “Your dress, Gretchen?”

“It’s for you, Commander.” Brutus handed it over. Reggie unzipped the bag to find Captain Whitlock’s uniform, cleaned and pressed.

Then Brutus handed over the Captain’s wallet. Reggie examined the contents, finding all ID and cards intact.

“But kidnapping my captain…why did you do it?” Reggie asked.

“To get your attention and demonstrate how vulnerable you are.” Brutus rolled his eyes about the room. “And here we are in this lovely establishment having our little pow wow…as your Native American wife would say, Commander.”

Reggie scowled. “But kidnapping is a serious crime.”

“Indeed. It was Daphne Peterson’s idea. Wicked girl. Remember your old friend with benefits when you were between wives?” Brutus eyed the Commander. “I do believe your nickname-loving son calls her Daffy. And for good reason. So easy to bribe, that one. Took her 30 pieces of silver, then took off for the continent with her latest boy toy. No love lost between the two of you.”

Reggie hissed. “Despicable.”

“Me or Daffy?” Brutus grinned.

“Despicable for both of you.” Wise growled. “A girl was killed at that pleasure house.”

“She was already dead, Fred,” said Brutus. “OD’ed the night before. We only took advantage of the girl’s body before it was disposed of.”

Reggie’s neck strained. “And you used that tragedy to torment my captain…make him believe he was responsible for her death.”

“Sorry, old boy.” Brutus raised his hands. “But sometimes you have to break a few eggs to make an omelet.”

“Back to our business at hand.” Wise feared the Commander would take a swing at Brutus. “What does your friend, Mr. Smith, have to do with any of this, Brutus?”

“Much,” said Brutus. “And if you hear him out, we’ll give you a clue to your missing nuke. Which is what this meeting is all about, right, gentlemen?”

“I can take it from here.” Adam put down his pipe. “And my business is primarily with the Commander.”

“Go on, Mr. Smith,” said Reggie. “And you do look familiar. Have we met before?”

“I believe so. First of all, my real name is not Adam Smith.” He took off his sun glasses and wig, revealing an old man with gray hair. “You know me as August Adolf. And yes, we’ve met before, Commander. At your wife’s murder trial in Pasadena, California—The Trial of the Century. Now known as The Shortest Trial Ever.”

“Right…I remember that.” Reggie tilted his head back. “You sat in the gallery to support your girl—like she belonged to you. So, why come all the way over here? A simple phone call would suffice.”

“Perhaps, to see your gentleman’s club.” August grinned and pulled down his gray eyebrows. “A bit stuffy…no women…and not as fun as mine—The Gentleman’s Delight Mansion. You have your king in England, boys. But at GDM, I am king.”

Reggie snorted. “I thought America has no king.”

“We all are beholden to someone.” August returned a crooked smile. “The rich. The powerful. Which both of you gentlemen are so quickly becoming…richer and more powerful every day, aren’t you?”

“Your point?”

“Another woman we have in common,” said August. “Your wife, Commander. Ms. Indian Summer. I made her into the important person she is today.”

“Is that so?” Reggie said through gritted teeth.

“There was a time when Nova Orlovic was on the cusp of losing everything…her grandfather’s ranch…his coal mines…his legacy.” August pressed a finger to his chest. “That is, until I stepped in to help this lady in distress. And I was the only one with the means who did help her out when so-called better men would not.”

“But you also sold her scantily clad pictures in your men’s magazine.” Reggie raised eyebrows. “Then you got much applause as a protector of Native Americans. She helped you a lot…made you a pile of cash as well as garnering your gentleman’s club much public good will…which you so desperately need in your line of business.”

“It was mutually beneficial. I am a business man, after all.” August continued, “But if I hadn’t rescued her, you would never have married a billionaire American, who bailed your family out of bankruptcy. And no position for you, Lord Wise, in Ameri-Brit Capital, which put you in the billionaire boys’ club. No head of Barrett Research Institute of Technology for you, Commander, to make you a rising star in the field of medicine.”

“You’re taking credit for all that?” asked Reggie. “What chutzpah.”

“Indeed.” Then August rubbed his hands together. “The old domino effect. It was I, who made Nova Orlovic. Hence, I made you, gentlemen. You owe me big time for that.”

“What do you want from us?” Reggie asked.

“I’m dying, Commander.” August wheezed. “And I know about your Methuselah project.”

“Of course. Fountain of youth…every tyrant’s dream.” Reggie grimaced. “It’s in development. Long term side effects unknown. And it’ll be years before market. Not to mention working out the ethics involved.”

“But I’ll gladly submit myself as a test subject,” said August. “And if it’s not me, there’s another aging kingmaker who will come after you with a most unpleasant offer you can’t refuse. I speak of Konstantin Popov. The force behind The Friends of Yasser Nasser.”

“Is he now?” asked Wise.

“He has never forgiven Nova for taking those CyBytes meant for Lincoln Todd,” said August. “The CyBytes that made you all filthy rich. And he will come to collect—with interest. Mark my words.”

“And he’s also as old as you and will age out soon.” Reggie squinted at August Adolf.

“Oh, yes. Only far, far more evil.” August chuckled. “Popov not only tried to assassinate your wife, Commander. But through Yasser Nasser, he gave the order to kill another American Ambassador a few years earlier. William Kennedy in Bashan, Pisgah.”

“I see you blanch, Commander,” Brutus chimed in. “Mean something to you?”

Reggie swallowed. “I was the doctor in the emergency room in Bashan and tried to save him. But his head wound…he bled out.”

“So, it’s best to deal with the devil you know,” said Brutus. “And here’s the offer on the table. Give your word as an officer and gentleman to treat my friend Auggie. In return, he’ll give you a vital clue of the whereabouts of your missing nuke.”

“And how would he know that?” Wise asked.

“I’ll tell you,” August answered. “At GDM, what happens there, stays there. And I enforce that rule—ruthlessly. Therefore, GDM’s a haven, half-way house for many troubled souls. Where men can let their guard down surrounded by pleasure and beauty…my beautiful Resident Ladies as well as the beauty of Lake Tahoe. Powerful men like Lincoln Todd and the AX man are my frequent guests.”

“What’s that to us?” asked Wise.

“At GDM, I am king.” Auggie pressed a finger to his chest. “But as king, I don’t follow my own rules. Because it’s my kingdom. You see, I record everything said and done within my borders. And I have recordings of so many privy conversations that would peel the paint off a B2 Bomber. Especially the plot to take out President Kelly. And I know all about that missing reactor turned nuke, and I know where it will be placed.”

“So, you’ll tell us that in exchange for what?” asked Wise.

“For anti-aging treatment from the Commander,” said August. “I’ll give you a big hint of its final destination, Lord Wise. And for continued treatment, a steady stream of intel from the rich and powerful—especially the big prize, the AX man.”

“See, Freddy Weddy.” Brutus returned a smug smile as he sat back with crossed arms. “I told you I’d deliver the AX man. And Auggie here is offering him on a silver platter.”

Wise exchanged glances with Reggie. “Give us a moment.”

* * *

Wise and Reggie stepped outside the smoker’s lounge for a private pow wow.

“It’s like we’re in the Charles Dickens novel, Great Expectations,” said Reggie. “We’re Pip, and our benefactor August Adolf is Magwitch, the criminal the Crown sent to Australia where he made his fortune, then used it to make us into…gentlemen.”

“A ghastly thought.” Wise rubbed his chin. “I, for one—the Baron of Summerset—made by the founder of Gentleman’s Delight, who made his fortune peddling pictures of half-naked women?”

“Not to mention one of them my wife and her president’s dead sister.” Reggie took a breath. “And behind that celebration of beauty and pleasure and the girl next door, I sense something far more sinister.”

“Indeed.” Wise wrinkled his forehead. “Yet there’s always a dark side when dealing with power and money and lust and politics.”

“Now I fully understand the dilemma Nova was facing,” said Reggie. “Pose for those pictures, or lose her grandfather’s ranch to greedy bastards.”

“Yet, this offer to help find the nuke at the eleventh hour is too tempting to turn down,” said Wise. “Not to mention the treasure trove of intelligence Mr. Adolf is offering.”

“At what price?” asked Reggie. “A deal with the devil?”

“But we all make such deals in this world.” Wise conceded with a sigh. “Especially in the business I was in. We took what we could get...no matter how shady.”

* * *

Wise and Reggie slipped inside the lounge. August put down his pipe. Brutus put out his cigar.

“All right, Mr. Adolf,” said Reggie. “You have my word as an officer and a gentleman to start trial treatments of Methuselah anti-aging therapy on test patient Adam Smith, immediately.”

“Very good.” Auggie nodded. “I knew you were a reasonable man.”

“What’s the clue?” asked Wise.

“Morning Glory.” Auggie flashed stained teeth.

“As in the flower?” Wise curled his lip. But he texted the enigmatic clue on his gazzard to Stag in America.



What happens next?

Here is a blurb for Book 5.

Speaker of the House Karl Kelly was never supposed to be President of the United States. But that happens when President Todd resigns and the VP kills himself. Then the rogue Deep State acts to remedy that.

First, take out the new VP, Laurel Hardy. Assassins strike in London, during her Pow Wow with Ambassador Nova Orlovic. But the women fight back as Wild West meets Middle Eastern terrorism in the Gunfight at the UK Corral.

Next, an attempt at US regime change escalates to nuclear blackmail. But Commander Reginald Barrett’s Methuselah project to reverse aging becomes the bargaining chip to forge dubious alliances to fight the Deep State.

Meanwhile, in the mysterious Nevada Triangle, provocateurs incite ET and prepper conventioneers to attack visiting British soldiers. But the Redcoat Regiment vanishes as the mob closes in, and conspiracy theories abound.

Will the Commander and the Chief defuse the nuclear threat and international tensions before it’s too late?

The rest of the story, Pow Wow, found  on amazon

Your readership is appreciated.



For more in this series, search blog:

CC1, CC2, CC3, CC4, CC5, CCx
The Commander and the Chief series



Photo: Great Expectations, Magwitch makes himself known to Pip

Sunday, March 10, 2024

Physics (part 8) - Einstein's Story


Einstein's birthday - March 14, 1879

Born in the 19th century, Albert Einstein became one of the most famous scientists of the 20th and 21st centuries.

And below is a video summary of his accomplishments:

More information, check out his biography: Albert Einstein, German-American physicist.

It's been 145 years. And his legacy rewrote the physics books.

What new theories or discoveries will rewrite our physics books today?


For other posts on this thread, search:


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Monday, February 19, 2024

Write Stuff (part 4) - Generation Gap


The Generation Gap

Adults have lamented about the sorry state of the youth throughout history:

The children now love luxury; they have bad manners, contempt for authority; they show disrespect for elders and love chatter in place of exercise. Children are now tyrants, not the servants of their households. They no longer rise when elders enter the room. They contradict their parents, chatter before company, gobble up dainties at the table, cross their legs, and tyrannize their teachers.

This quote has been attributed to Socrates in the 4th century B.C. 

But it has been suggested it really was "a summary of general complaints about the youth by the ancient Greeks, as written in a 1907 dissertation by a student, Kenneth John Freeman."

 Reference: reddit/AskHistorians

At least it proves the words of Solomon:

What has been will be again,
    what has been done will be done again;
    there is nothing new under the sun.

Ecclesiastes 1:9 (NIV)

In our times, the generations from the late 19th century to the roaring 20s in the 21st century can be succinctly summed up in the video below.

 Every Birth Generation Explained in 9 Minutes:


Such distinctions can be valuable for writers when crafting their characters who grew up in the generation that defined them.

And these characteristics are another tool of...

The Write Stuff!

Solomon also wrote:

Generations come and generations go,
    but the earth remains forever.

Ecclesiastes 1:4 (NIV)

What will define the next generation?


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Tuesday, January 16, 2024

IS40:8 (part 7) - New Year Praise


Blessings for 2024.

May this be a year of Revival, Restoration, Renewal.

Pray we begin the New Year with praises to our Lord and Savior in our hearts:

This year, 2024, may we seek Him and claim this promise:

11  “For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord,
“plans to prosper you and not to harm you,
plans to give you hope and a future.

12  Then you will call on Me
and come and pray to Me,
and I will listen to you.

13  You will seek Me
and find Me when you seek Me
with all your heart.” 

Jeremiah 29:11-13 (NIV)


Isaiah 40:8

The grass withereth,
the flower fadeth:
but the word of our God
shall stand for ever.


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