Saturday, April 13, 2024

STC (part 6) - The Event that Sam Built


The House that Jack Built

Remember that old English nursery rhyme some of us may have learned as kids?

It was catchy as well as repetitive and progressive.

"The House that Jack Built" is in the form of a cumulative tale or a chain tale or chain story. These tales do not have complex plots, but rather rely on the rhyme and repetition for effect. Each sentence in the story builds on the sentence before, making each sentence an example of an increasingly deeply nested relative clause. 

From Evergreen Tales

Poetry can be very helpful in learning, with adults as well as kids, even in the technical world.

Such is the case in my historical novel


Women breaking into aerospace in the 1980s meet men behaving badly.

As the story progress, the Mission Control Complexes of the S*T*C are upgrading from the Current Data System (CDS) to the Progressive Modernization System (PMS). 

Many jokes about PMS, I promise.  And one the characters, Monte Duff comments about this new and improved system thrusted on them, in Chapter Thirty-One:

“Otherwise, if you really want to f--- things up, get the government involved.” 

In Chapter Sixty-Nine, Samantha (Sam) Matijevic Clark gets her first training in PMS.

For context, below are common techno-jargon for positions inside a Mission Control room.

MC - Mission Controller

PA - Planner Analyst


Near the end of PMS training, Sam wrote a poem, a parody of the old English nursery rhyme and cumulative tale, This Is the House that Jack Built.

She added cartoons and illustrations about lessons she had learned in PMS class: Building Events with Transactions and Activities and Episodes and Schedule Records…yada, yada, yada…in the context of a mission control team commanding a satellite 20,000 nautical miles away in orbit.

The Event that Sam Built!

By Samantha Matijevic Clark

This is the EVENT that Sam built!

These are the TRANSACTIONS

That lie in the EVENT that Sam built!

This is the ACTIVITY


That lie in the EVENT that Sam built!

This is the EPISODE

That contains the ACTIVITY


That lie in the EVENT that Sam built!

Here’s SCHEDULE RECORDS gen’ed by SCO*

That’s tied to the EPISODE

That contains the ACTIVITY


That lie in the EVENT that Sam built!

Here’s CONFLICT IDENTIFY, full of woe

Of the RECORDS gen’ed by SCO

That’s tied to the EPISODE

That contains the ACTIVITY


That lie in the EVENT that Sam built!

Here’s the PA, all tattered and torn

Who UPDATED the RECORDS, early one morn

Deconflicting the SCHEDULE, full of woe

That was gen’ed before by SCO

That’s tied to the EPISODE

That contains the ACTIVITY


That lie in the EVENT that Sam built!

Here’s the MC, who, without delay

APPROVED a CSP**, created one day

INITIALIZED by the PA, all tattered and torn

From UPDATED RECORDS, gen’ed one morn

Deconflicting the SCHEDULE, full of woe

That was gen’ed before by SCO*

That’s tied to the EPISODE

That contains the ACTIVITY


That lie in the EVENT that Sam built!

This is the SATELLITE, which has great worth

That the MC COMMANDED, down here on earth

Executing DIRECTIVES, without delay

From the CSP, APPROVED one day

INITIALIZED by the PA, all tattered and torn

From UPDATED RECORDS, gen’ed one morn

Deconflicting the SCHEDULE, full of woe

That was gen’ed before by SCO

That’s tied to the EPISODE

That contains the ACTIVITY


That lie in the EVENT that Sam built!

*  SCO: Satisfy Current Objectives

**  CSP: Contact Support Plan


Child's play, right?

To learn more about a day in the life of a mission control team in the 1980s, please feel free to check out: 

S*T*C by S. K. Smith @

And tune in to the continuing drama...

As the Satellite Turns!

Your readership is appreciated.


For more in this series, search blog:

STC - for S*T*C
CC1, CC2, CC3, CC4, CC5  - for The Commander and the Chief series


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