Sunday, August 28, 2022

Pray4America (part 19) - II Chronicles 7:14


Ten years ago, movements from the left and the right, such as the Tea Party and Occupy Wall Street , emerged from discontent of the power of the few over the values of the many.

The song below, I am America, reflect some the zeitgeist of the times as well as today:

( reference: )

As our problems seem overwhelming, the song lyrics suggest the one hope to heal our land:

II Chronicles 7:14

If My people, 

who are called by My Name, 

will humble themselves 

and pray and seek My face 

and turn from their wicked ways, 

then I will hear from heaven, 

and I will forgive their sin 

and will heal their land.


Give thanks to the Lord,
for He is good;
His love endures forever.
Psalm 118:1 (NIV)

Keep praying for America



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Photo: Tea Party/wikipedia