Saturday, August 29, 2020

Patriots (part 6) - World War II from Start to Finish


The first days of September marked the start and finish of the most deadly war in recorded history:

 World War Two: September 1, 1939 -  September 2, 1945 

Below,  the causalities are shown by country:

(reference: )

And as of this posting (August 29, 2020) we are near the 75th anniversary of the end the World War II.

Below is a tribute to the patriots who fought against tyranny:

(reference: )

God bless all those who sacrificed 
to preserve our freedoms 
and kept us safe, 
home and abroad!

On a personal note, my father-in-law was one of those who fought in that war. After his death, his family found a memoir of some of his adventures over there: 

World War Two: Memories of North Africa

In the 21st century, the greatest generation is passing from the scene. 

As King Solomon wrote:

One generation passeth away, 
and another generation cometh:
 but the earth abideth for ever.
Ecclesiastes 1:4 (KJV)

And eventually, there will be Peace on Earth!






Photo: Yalta Conference (Churchill, Roosevelt, Stalin)/wikipedia