Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Pray4American (part 7) - For such a time as this

Man wearing a mask on the Jewish holiday of Purim

It's not just the capital of Rhode Island.

Providence means that the hand of God is in the glove of human events  (reference: Dr. McGee quote)

Speaking of Providence, there is a feast to commemorate such an event. In 2013, the Jewish holiday of Purim is celebrated from sundown, February 23 to sundown, February 24.

The story behind this holiday is a good yarn, found in the Old Testament Book of Esther.  It's fraught with racial hatred and political intrigue, yet through Providence good ultimately triumphs over evil .

Many sites write about it, such as which has The Story of Purim.  And for a good summary of the Book of Esther, check out the  Esther Study Guide.

Through Providence, Esther won a beauty contest to become the next queen of Persia.  Later, her guardian Mordecai revealed wicked Haman's final solution to exterminate the Jews in the Empire and spoke of her Providential position -

For if you remain silent at this time, relief and deliverance for the Jews will arise from another place, but you and your father’s family will perish. 
And who knows but that you have come to your royal position for such a time as this?
Esther 4:14

Most likely there were several million Jews living in the Empire at that time.  So Esther - by her wits - delivered more of her people, if you go by the numbers, than did the great names of Moses, Joshua, Gideon, or David.

Below is a musical summary of Esther's story.

The story speaks to me today.  Like the pagan court described in the Book of Esther, it seems our leaders govern as if God does not exist.  The challenges we face today seem like there are no solutions or at least ones that we are willing to undertake.  Many "prophets" and "doomsayers" point to America's decline and economic collapse which will consign us to the dustbin of history.  They could be right.

Yet in Esther's story, though God or prayer are not specifically mentioned, both are so evident in the background as God is in the shadows, working behind the scenes, protecting His own.  And throughout any age, the greatest stealth weapon we have is prayer.

And in our day as we need an "Esther" who has the ear of the king, I was quite heartened by Dr. Benjamin Carson's speech at the recent Prayer Breakfast with the President and Vice President.

For such a time as this ...  please join in prayer for our nation.


Heavenly Father

We confess as a nation we have turned from You and have been so ungrateful for Your bountiful blessings.  Yet, even for a people out of Your will, You are ever faithful to keep watch over Your own.

The Book of Esther encourages us as it demonstrates Your care even when Your people are out our Your expressed will.  During such godless times, though the wicked Haman had plotted to exterminate Your people, You were abiding in the shadows watching over Your own.  Through Your Providence, You raised up Esther "for such a time as this” to thwart the plans of the enemy and give victory to Your people.

With the example of Esther, we take heart for our nation.  Many, it seems, in high places have risen against You and Your people, calling good evil, and evil good, (Isaiah 5:20).  Through Your Providence, Heavenly Father, we ask that You raise up men and women filled with Your Spirit – for such a time as this.  Give us a heart of repentance so we may we turn to You, the only Savior and the only Source of Wisdom to overcome the daunting challenges we face in our nation and in this world.

In Jesus Name



Here is the song written by the  Liberated Walling Wall - For Such a Time as This - put to dance celebrating not only God's deliverance of His people in Esther's day but other times in the Old and New Testament.


Keep praying for America.

Blessed is the nation whose God is the Lord,
the people he chose for his inheritance.

Psalm 33:12


Previous post on this topic:

Lots - Lady, Luck, Lessons (2011)


Previous posts in this series:

Pray4America (part 1) - National Day of Prayer (2012)

Pray4America (part 2) - FDR's prayer on D-Day (2012)

Pray4America (part 3) - FDR's Flag Day prayer - June 14, 1942 (2012)

Pray4America (part 4) - It's a Wonderful Life, America (2012)

Pray4America (part 5) - United we stand? (2012)

Pray4America (part 6) - Christmas in Iran 1980 (2012)


Photo:  Wikimedia - Purim Mask

Friday, February 8, 2013

Timeless Truths (part 2) - Love

Heart of the Milky Way - Valentine's Day

The greatest force in the Universe ....

Yes ... I admit it.  I have been known to watch cartoons.  But what does this have to do with Valentine's Day ... or love?  Let me tell you.

In my younger years, I had the television tuned to a cartoon channel as I was going about my business.

The format for this particular set of shows, featuring superheroes, had a goofy looking animated host.

As MC, this toon plugged upcoming shows and made comments during the breaks.

Nothing unusual or memorable about that.

But one afternoon was different.

While promoting the upcoming show, the voice - on script - plugged the featured superhero with superpowers as

"the most powerful force in the universe."

Then  - for a second - the MC went off script and added - 

"that is, except for love."


Though I remember little details about the shows, these words of this wise cartoon host stayed with me.

As shown by the heart circling the Milky Way in the night sky, February is the month of St. Valentine's Day.  It is a holiday in which we celebrate love.  The cards and gifts exchanged usually are on the theme of romantic love.  But love does more than make the world go around.  (Love Makes the World Go Around)

Indeed as the wise little toon said, love is the most powerful force in the universe ... 

and, I may add, beyond.

Consider the words of Jesus when asked -

 36 “Teacher, which is the greatest commandment in the Law?”
 37 Jesus replied: “‘Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind.’ 38 This is the first and greatest commandment. 39 And the second is like it: ‘Love your neighbor as yourself.’ 40 All the Law and the Prophets hang on these two commandments.”
Matthew 22

Jesus not only stated the greatest commandment was love, but quoted these commandments about  love from the Old Testament - Deuteronomy 6:5 and Leviticus 19:18  

And, likewise, a great picture of love is found - of all places - in the Old Testament.  It is the story of the prophet, Hosea.

God spoke to Hosea and told him to marry a prostitute named Gomer.  Gomer was unfaithful and left Hosea to pursue other lovers.  Eventually, Gomer's lovers grew tired of her and dumped her.  She sunk so low that she fell into the bondage of slavery. Yet, Hosea sought out Gomer, bought her out of the slave market, and restored her as a free woman and as his wife.

From this experience, Hosea knew how deeply God hurt when His people were unfaithful to Him, pursuing other gods.  From the depths of his heart, Hosea proclaimed to the nation about God's amazing, tender, pursuing love.

Below is a clip of the story of Hosea set in modern times.

Indeed, God loves us, as He has said  ...

I have loved you with an everlasting love;
I have drawn you with unfailing kindness.
Jeremiah 31:3
So let us ...

Give thanks to the Lord, for he is good;
his love endures forever.
Psalm 118:1


*  Have a Blessed Valentine's Day *
  Please click on link  for a special eCard:  This is how we know what love is

Timeless Truths will continue ...

- where the ancient proverbs and wisdom will be shown how they still apply throughout the ages.

As always, this timeless truth stands  ...

The grass withereth, the flower fadeth:
but the word of our God shall stand for ever.
Isaiah 40:8


Previous post in series:

Timeless Truths (Part 1) - A Cup of Cold Water (2013)


Photos from:
wikimedia - Heart of the Milky Way - Valentine's Day - superhero stamps