Monday, December 30, 2024

STEM (part 1) - Science and Technology in 2024


A new thread begins in time for the New Year.

 STEM--Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics

For startershere is a review of 2024:


Biology and Neuroscience



Computer Science


What will 2025 bring?

Stay tuned for more in STEM.



For future threads (search blog):


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Photo: Starlink Mission/wikipedia

Wednesday, December 18, 2024

Write Stuff (part 5) - A Christmas Carol


A Christmas Carol 

This Dicken's story that has been retold in various movies during the Holiday Season.

Quick summary:

The zeitgeist

The spirit of the dark times in Victorian England is the setting. 

A Christmas Carol attests to the power of the story

And it has influenced our view of Christmas to this day.

In the words of Tiny Tim...

God Bless Us, Everyone!


For other posts on this thread, search:

Write Stuff

Similar threads (search blog):

ELM - English, Language, Musings

It attests to the power of story.

Sunday, December 8, 2024

Music (part 11) - The Oldest Christmas Carol?


Christmas Carols have become a beloved tradition during the holiday season.

Here is a quick history with possibly the oldest known Christmas Carol from the 4th century:

More information: Is this the first Christmas carol? and Saint Hilary of Poitiers

Here is a performance of this carol in Latin:

Jesus Refulsit Omnium (Latin)

Jesus refulsit omnium

Pius redemptor gentium

Totum genus fidelium

Laudes celebret dramatum

Quem stella natum fulgida

Monstrat micans per authera

Magosque duxit praevia

Ipsius ad cunabula

Illi cadentes parvulum

Pannis adorant obsitum

Verum fatentur ut Deum

Munus ferendo mysticum.

Jesus Refulsit Omnium (English)

Jesus, devoted redeemer of all nations, has shone forth,

Let the whole family of the faithful celebrate the stories

The shining star, gleaming in the heavens, makes him known at his birth

and, going before, has led the Magi to his cradle

Falling down, they adore the tiny baby hidden in rags,

as they bear witness to the true God by bringing a mystical gift.

Lovely words of the birth of our Lord, the Star of Bethlehem, and the Magi.

For the year of our Lord, 2024

Merry Christmas

or in Latin

Felix Nativitas


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